I can't believe I haven't written in my blog since August 07.
The weather has been good for golfers-not so good
at all for us dog sledders.
Nov. 05/07 and it is going to be
10 degrees. Sounds Like a golf day.
Anyways, I had some Dog sledding visitors from the UK (Hugh and Pauline) come to Canada. They had a grand old time. I arranged a nice tour of three kennels ( John Liversage,
Gerald/ Yvonne Clarke and Lynn Hiley) .
First stop- John gave them a tour of his kennel. He talked about equipment and I learned something new about ganglines and the proper measurements. Gail made us some great sandwiches and it was off to Gerald and Yvonne's.
It was the first time I have been to their kennel and I was very impressed. Personally a dream kennel and if you ever get the chance to go-GO. My favorite part(one of many) was the old round high school sink in the free run area that the dogs could play in. I had a quick chat with Gerald about his redline sled and I remembered why I didn't want to sell mine. It is not for sale.
Finally off to Lynn's. We meet the dogs and it was more food and wine for our quests. A very good dogsledding chat and we had to head back into the city. Pauline and Hugh ended their day at Elsie Chadwick's home where they planed to stay the night. The tour went long and I couldn't stay for the end but they told me they had a great time with Elsie (of course they would).
I will have to plan another date for myself and Elsie as I alway enjoy her tea, conversation and of course the archives.
They planned a day up at Leigh and Susan Gilcrest's. Then they headed home.
They e mailed me when they returned home and sent these pictures of their trip and some of their own team at the first rig race in the UK. (The pictures are not in order of the tour-Computor loser).
Thanks Elsie +2, John/Gail +10, Gerald/Yvonne+10 and Lynn+14= the 36 dogs on the tour.