Friday, December 03, 2010

Two months to go!!!

The Race is only two months away.
The race marshall is confirmed,the spectator dogsled rides are set
(windrift kennels), the bibs are cleaned and everything is ready to go.
The weather is suppose to co-operate this year but we will still have to wait and see. I am still looking for prizes and always looking to increase our purse.
If anyone has any sugestions please send them my way at
Please keep my blog set on your "favorites" as the race gets closer so I can update you on the conditions. If there are any questions along the way please email me and I will post the answers on my blog so everyone can get the info.
Hope to see you all soon. Hope your training is going well.
I can sure use some new photos. Anyone with some dirty training shots-muddy dogs or other interesting photos email them to me and I will get put them on my blog.
I will judge them for the best photo and they will win a free entry to the race.
(Paid by


TerryLynnJohnson said...

what kinds of prizes are you looking for? I'd be interested in donating my book Dogsled Dreams as a door prize if that works for you?

dogsleddn said...

That would be great Terry.
you can email me at
so we can talk more.