Well, here our the results I have everyones full name in the car and I'll add them soon.
3-dog race
1)Barry Cull-35:47.52 2)Colleen Heibein-35:59.82
3)Kathy Henry-Kilbreath 4)Laurel Turansky-38:15.24
5)Cherie McCallum-40:07.21 6)Daryl Schuler-53:52.49
7)Bailey Moffat-56:59.37 8)Vicky Hailey-OT (Sunday)
9) Renata Sauder-DNF (Sunday)
Cut of time-45:41.81
4-dog race
1)Laurel Turansky-32:48.09 2)Barry Cull-32:52.34
3)Michelle Redstone-34:24.06 4)Kathy Henry-Kilbreath-34:57.04
5)Joel Jamieson-36:07.15 6) Cheri McCallum-36:11.68
7)colleen Heibein-36:23.66 8)Walter Grohman-36:35.68
9)Janate Cooper -37:19.88 10)David Jolette-38:06.93
11)Daryl Schuler-39:59.21 12)Marilyn Graf -40:38.14
13)Dana Cranstone-41:02.64 14)Riley O'Connor-42:57.59
15)Jason Quinlan-46:31.03 16)Jason Quinlan-49:46.21
17)Mike Murphy-53:07.51 18)Marilyn Graf-56:44.67
Cut off time-41:41.87.