Well, the racing season this year everywhere in Ontario was iffy at best but in Southern Ontario there was only two weekends where there was snow on the ground. One of the weekends I was in Florida and the other weekend the snow was gone by the evening. My kids managed to build a snowman this year but it only consisted of a head and some sticks for arms. It was a good move, moving my pups(6 years old actually)to Mark's in Owen sound. They trained weekly and managed to race in 3 events.
It might be best if they stay with Mark as they have a beautiful home there and will have a better chance of doing what they love best. Mark is hoping to breed them and I have told my daughter that some day when we are ready we will get a couple of pups from him. It sounds like my racing career has come to an end for now but it is in my heart and I will continue to try and put the Kortright race on (if the weather co-operates).
Two day left until the Iditarod starts!!! 66 people have entered 50 men and 16 woman. DeeDee is there of course, Karen our Canadian female siberian husky racer, a model,twins, rookies and some veterans.
Too many men to mention but John the 2011 champion, Lance of course, Martin and Rohn, Jeff, Hank our Canadian Siberian Racer,Hugh and some rookies and a lot of veterans. Be safe everyone and have fun!!!!
I'll drop in here and there and let ya know about the race.