WOW, time flies when your having fun!!!
My Sasha turned ten today. Great times we've had.
Racing Haliburton, Wasaga Beach, Shadow Lake and of course The Kortright Centre.
She has run with many different dogs over the years. Even running on her own when she got loose and ended up in Bolton. Training and Racing with Kelly one winter.
The old days running lead with Tyler at Heart Lake Rd. in Brampton on the Trans Canada Trail. This year running with Renata's Ronan in Waterdown and at the Kortright Centre. Oh yeah running loose again with Geronimo on the first loop at Kortright. I managed to catch Cochise but the other two took off and ran around the first loop. Good thing there was a very clear trail and they ran right back at me. Between Matthew, Natalie and I we were able to grab them and put then back into the van. Matthew and Natalie in tears were sure they were gone but I was postitive they would come back to us (my inner voice was saying "there gone").
Happy Birthday Sasha ya old girl.