With a few checkpoints from the finish it looks like it is turning into a sprint race. Lance Mackey has the lead by 1 hour and 14 minutes over King. Hans Gatt the winner of the 2010 Yukon Quest is chasing King. All three are into Koyuk and as far as I know they are taking a rest as no one has left yet. With five check points to go, it is anyones race depending on how long someone naps for. A good time to make up some miles if you want to for go the nap. With every team running just under 7 miles an hour, the time to the finish is made up of completing chores,resting and getting back on the trail before your competitor. Skipping an hour nap gets King 14 minutes from the lead.
Some of my other mushers that I follow are still at it as well.
Karen with them pretty sibes had to pull out with a sore hand that she hurt before the race even started. Martin Buser is coming along in 17th place. Kristy Berington is into Kaltag. Newton Marshall from Jamaica is in Nulato and moving along fine mon.
And our good friend from Haliburton Ontario- Hank Debruin is into Ruby. Keep going Hank your doing great-the SHCC Southern/Central Ontario Area our cheering for you.