Well it's nearly September so I thought I should start thinking about the Kortright Race 2010.
So many things to do. Post the date with sleddogcentral.com-done,contact my race marshall,take a drive out to Kortright and walk my trail.
Oh yeah !!! Make sure I have a Major sponsor to co-sponsor the race with the Kortright Centre.
Lots to do but things will come together. I have many feelers out and I am confident in a contact.
Anyways, I wanted you to know I am getting ready. You get your dogs ready and I'll get the race together for 2010. The best Kortright Race ever....and last year was an incredible race.
18 teams of siberians in the 4 dog class and 10 teams in the 3 dog class.
That trail is a keeper-lots of fun and excitment for racers and dogs.
Great to see the Western Ontario members out, our friends from Ottawa and of course our friends from Central Ontario-oh yeah our Southern Ontario Racers as well.
Our BC friend is hit and miss-missed him last year (ALMOST MADE IT).