General information and information related to racing Siberian Huskies. SHCC Southern/Central Ontario 3-4 Dog Ontario Championship at The Kortright Centre, sponsored by the Kortright Centre and Nutro Products put on by the SHCC.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Kortright Race-Is a Siberian Husky Race

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Kortright Challenge-SHCC 4 mile race
Kortright Challenge just two weekends away.
Jan.31 & Feb.01, 2009.
Lots of work still to be done but most of it will be done the week before. Peter French (race marshall) will take a look at my trail on Tuesday January 27,2009. Friday the straw bails will go out and we will be ready to race on Saturday and Sunday.
The Kortright Trail is a 4 mile loop starting off running around three flat loops and up and down a couple of the Kortright Valleys and finishing with a flat round and about way to the finish. It is quite exciting, the dogs can run all out in the flats and the driver and the team need to work together in the valleys.
Racers can arrive at 8:30 am to get settled in. Drivers meeting and bib draw at 10am but usually 10:30am. Spectators can enter the park at 10 am so we can't start the race until after that which is usually 11:15am starting with the three dog class. Lunch for racers and hopefully the four dog class can run after 1pm. Thomas Pride and windrift kennels will be there to give rides for adults and kids so there should be lots of fun. I have mentioned to some beginners and individuals with a few dogs that at the end of the two races they could run around the mile loop or around the 4 mile trail if they would like. There is a lot of spectators usually at Kortright so the more teams they get to see the better. If racers has more dogs than the two classes and wish to run their others, let me know so we can co-ordinate that the best way possible. Hope to see everyone soon.
If you have any questions please email me at dogsleddn@hotmail.com
I will send a list of hotels/motels in the area next week as the list is at work.